Research Question: How is meaning made through spatial transition?
Material requirement: 2 GoPro sport video cameras and headset accessories
Participants: Any two a/r/tographers who have the will to discuss while walking on a mutually interested topic about a/r/tography (Rita Irwin, Lexi Lasczik Cutcher, Jun Hu, Koichi Kasahara, Joaquín Rodán, Anita Sinner, Valerie Triggs, Ricardo Marin Videl, and more)
Walking: Two collaborative a/r/tographers plan with Google Map a route which they both believe is a meaningful ground for the walking discussion to take place.
Recording: Each participant will have a GoPro video camera attached to the head, the video recording of which simulates eye-level focusing. The recording of both cameras will take the same interval (needs to be tested) of shots, so that after half an hour walking, the video would be at the same length between 1 to 3 minutes. The two cameras start and end recording at the same time as the two a/r/tographers walk and discuss.
Exhibition: Two videos shall be re/played soundless in parallel on the same screen as a single piece of video art, while an animation demonstrates the on-going route. Two participants need to choose one or two words for the title of the art piece, and to write a short description of the discussion with no more than 150 words. In exhibition, the title will be typed big enough to cover the description hidden beneath. It is so designed for the curious reader to lift the title to read the description if he/she needs.
Intended Outcome: It is expected that the title and comparison of soundless images gathered from walking tells the story of the ongoing discussion on a/r/tography. The sameness and differences of transnational space reveal the movement and focuses of the two participants in walking discussion. Through this international partnership between a/r/tographers, it is discussed how walking creates meaning through transitional views and performances, and it is discussed how arts and texts reinforce each other as valid means of knowing.